When you have decided on a shop, please send an email (The email alone does not guarantee a booking). Then please call the shop two hours before your reservation on the date of the appointment. (Your reservation is not confirmed until you have both mailed and telephoned us.)
◆This is an example conversation of a telephone call to the shop.
- Blue is the customer
- Red is the shop
Please read the blue parts in Japanese when on the phone.
The shop staff will read the red parts in Japanese.
- 1. Your name -- あなたの名前を伝えます
Watashi no namae wa “Michael”(for example) desu. “JAPAN-ESCORT.NET” mimashita. My name is “Michael”(for example) I saw it on JAPAN-ESCORT.NET.
- 2. Sending a mail -- お店がメールを送ったかを尋ねます
はい、メールを送りましたか? Have you sent the mail?
Hai. Yes.I have.
- 3. Confirming the mail -- お店があなたのメールを確認します
確認します。 I Confirmed we have received the mail.
- If all has been confirmed, please skip to step 8.
- 4. If the mail has not been received -- メールが届いていないor不備がある場合
ジャパンエスコートネットを見て、メールを下さい。 Please look at the “mail” section of the JAPAN-ESCORT.NET website.
- 5. When you can speak a little Japanese and you understand the shops system --
日本語が少しでも話せて、お店のシステムを理解できた場合 -
When you have decided which girl you want to spend time with, please state the date, time, girl and “course”.
(e.g.) Ashita no Nine p.m.,“YUKO” de “A course” wo onegai shimasu. (e.g.) At 9 p.m. tomorrow, in (a certain place), I want to play “A course” with the girl “YUKO”.
- 7. Your cell phone number -- 携帯電話(ホテル電話)の番号を伝えます
携帯番号を教えて下さい。 Please tell us your cell phone number.
「0-9-0 1-2-3-4 5-6-7-8」
- 7. When you don’t have cell phone, Giving your hotel/ lodging adress. --
携帯電話が無い場合、(あなたの)他の連絡先を(お店に)伝えます -
Please state the name (area) of the hotel where you are staying, the room number and your name. In the case of a home visit, please give your address.
Hotel wa Shinjuku no “Washington hotel(e.g.)”, Room number 1-1-1-7,namae wa “Michael(e.g.)” desu. The Washington hotel in Shinjuku, Room number 1-1-1-7, my name is Michael.
- 8. The end of mail confirmation -- メールを確認できた場合
- 9. If you fail to book a girl you like most -- 希望の女の子が予約できない場合
希望の女の子は予約でいっぱいです。別の可愛い女の子が行きます。 The girl you asked for is fully booked. Another one of our cute girls go.(We will send another one of our cute girls.)
- 10. Confirming you know where the shop is -- お店の場所(待ち合わせ場所)の確認をします
お店の場所は分かりますか? Do you know where the shop is?
Hai. Yes.
- If you understand where the shop is, please skip to step 13.
If you don't understand where the shop isお店の場所がわからない場合
- 11. Explaining the shop location -- (お店が)場所の説明をします
ジャパンエスコートネットの“アクセス”を見て下さい。 Please look at the “access” part of the JAPAN-ESCORT.NET website.
- 12. If you don't understand where the shop is -- それでも解らない場合
タクシーで来るか、ホテルのフロントで聞いて下さい。 Please ask the front desk at your hotel to get you a taxi.
- 13. The reservations time -- (お店が)あなたに約束の時間を伝えます
(例)9:30 p.m. に来て下さい。 Please come at 9.30pm.
- 14. If you want to change the reservation time -- 時間を変更したい時は、希望の時間を伝えます
(e.g.)Ten p.m. ni shite kudasai. Please change the time to 10pm.
- 15. Describing your clothes -- <待ち合わせの場合>目印になる、あなたの服装と色をお店に伝えます
(e.g.)Huku wa “glay” pantsu wa “blue” desu. I'm wearing a gray jacket and blue pants.
- 16. Describing the girls clothes -- (お店が)女の子の服装と色をあなたに伝えます
(例)服は “red” スカートは “black” です。 (e.g.) She's wearing a red jacket and a black skirt.
- 17. Completion -- 予約の完了
OK. お待ちしてます。 OK, we will be waiting for you.